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Mount Pleasant Christian Church


Greenwood, Indiana


Bibleopolis before

Bibleopolis before

Bibleopolis after

Bibleopolis after



2006 - We took an existing pre-engineered building previously used as a gym and convertedit into a 2-story children's Sunday school classroom wing.

After Main Entry Addition

After Main Entry Addition

Before Main Entry Addition

Before Main Entry Addition

Adult Classroom Addition

Adult Classroom Addition

Classroom Addition



2012 -  We took an existing mis-match of assorted additions that had been done over the past 20 years and applied a unifying architectural theme to the entire church campus that in a building with clear paths of circulation that make it easy for guests to navigate from space to space. The church also now has a much stronger visual identity with in the community. 


2012 - The 10,500 s.f. adult classroom addition connected a 1997 addition to the 1986worship center to complete the unification of dissimilar architecture into a building thatnow appears complete and welcoming.

Campus view

Campus view

Mount Pleasant Christian Church 
Impact Center


2012 -  The Community Ministries Center is a 16,500 s.f new facility that houses a food pantry and clothing ministry that serves northwest Johnson County. This building includes a ware-house facility where food supplies and clothing are stored. We worked closely with the individual ministry leaders to address the variety of needs under one roof. This approach resulted in significant cost savings compared to building two separate facilities. 

Main Entry after

Main Entry after

Facilities Building


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